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How to improve your airflow efficiency!

Heating and cooling your house or apartment has become a contentious argument of late in Australia. The elderly and the underprivileged are struggling to keep up with the ever-increasing electricity bills. This has meant that staying warm in Winter and cool in Summer has become somewhat of discretionary spend. Leaving many people throughout the country no other option but to switch the power off to help save on costs.

There are some measures to keep your house warm in Winter and cool in Summer by simply closing the doors by placing a door snake and the foot of the door to prevent the draft from coming in. You could also add a high-quality foam/seal around the door frames, but these can become expensive on an initial outlay. Sure having double glazed windows and closing the curtains to prevent the heat from exiting does help. But what if these are not an option.


What if you’re are doing all of the above to little or no effect… Heating one room with little to no warmth coming through, could mean a couple of things. For example the thickness of your current foam batts.


Or it could be something a little more unsuspected such as a duct support system.


Many people overlook this area by no fault of there own. The house usually comes pre-existing with a cheap blue plastic tape which is used to suspend the ducts in the roof beams. This tends to have a knock-on effect with airflow throughout the duct.

Cutting into the duct and in many cases breaking unbeknownst to the homeowner.


Global Clamps have come up with an alternative solution to this problem. Creating a support system that enables the air to flow through the duct unimpeded and therefore improving airflow throughout the house.


Ensuring that the ducts are working at there optimal levels.


Using a high-quality VELCRO® Brand soft Sew-On tape and pressure-sensitive hook enables the duct to be position at the correct height in accordance with the duct diameter.


Get in contact with Global Clamps today.

Benefits include:

  • Quick and easy assembly
  • Double the required support width at 150mm
  • No cutting or strangling of the duct jacket
  • Improved operating performance and reduced running costs of the system when installed in accordance with standards

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