Back to school season is here, and soon your classroom will be filled with students again! Keep your kids germ-free and make a sanitization station.
We’ll show you how to make a sanitization station for your classroom in just three easy steps. Place your station near a sink, and you’ll be ready for runny noses, classroom spills, and even handwashing!
Let’s get started!
What You’ll Need:
- VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back Coins
- Our handwashing poster
- Our sanitization station sign
- Laminator (optional)
- Various sanitization supplies (tissues, hand sanitizer, all-purpose wipes, and more!)
How to Make a Sanitization Station
- To start, print out and trim both posters. If you want, you can also laminate your signs.
- Next, near your classroom sink, take the handwashing poster and apply one side of our VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back Coins to a wall and the other to the poster. Then hang them!

- Take your sanitization station sign and hang it near a counter. Don’t forget to use our VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back Coins!
Place a basket near the sign and fill it with all your supplies – tissues, hand sanitizer, all-purpose wipes, and more!

And that’s it! Now you’re ready to start a squeaky-clean new school year with a sanitization station.

Try this out for yourself and pick up a pack of VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back Coins. And for more classroom inspiration, stay on our blog!